Friday, February 24


Airlines have now restricted the quantity and size of your carry-on baggage. They don't have room for excess anymore. Companies are now trying to prevent the amount of corporate carry-on baggage from new hires related to their emotional intelligence.  These companies are launching pre-testing in the form of surveys, questionnaires, and other diagnostic measurements to uncover any instability in their applicants. But what about existing employees?

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Here are 3 ways to remove some of your excess baggage and be a productive employee:

1. Turn off your personal switch and turn on your professional switch. I'm not saying to not be authentic, but it helps to mentally turn off your other roles in life when you enter your workplace. If you can separate your personal and professional life as much as possible then you will be emotionally and mentally stronger to handle your daily work tasks. Schedule your breaks and lunches to handle some of your personal matters. And the drive to and from work- use that time to make phone calls and wrap up other personal issues. Your work life will be much more productive and less stressed.

2. Stop gossip. Stay away from the known gossip groups of employees. They will only bring you down. Not only will they make you paranoid about every email and phone call, but others will perceive you as part of "them." Free up this time to build your personal relationships with key members of your company.

3. Get outside. One of my favorite bosses used to walk around the building a few times during the day. Oxygen will produce good blood flow and reduce your stress. If you are feeling emotionally drained in your customer support role, take a break and walk.

I suggest anyone in leadership to read the book, Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman for my insight into handling your mental and emotional self in the workplace.

What are other ways you can reduce the amount of carry-on baggage for your careers?

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