Sunday, August 8


I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to ping-pong, or table tennis as it is called, that I am not the very best. Sure, we play every once in a while, but I am average, at best. But when it comes to playing ping-pong in relationships, I have been successful many times, and it hurts relationships on both ends.

The scene starts out like this:

Other Person: "Hey"


                                                             Me: "Hey"


Other Person: "Good to see you"


                                                             Me: "Good to see you"


Other Person: "Thanks"

And this could go on for minutes. A little dramatic, but you've heard this type before. Wow! What a relationship killer. We might as well acknowledge each other with one of those "wassup" head jerks and move on. But these are the types of conversations can be heard from husband-to-wife, father-to-son, employee-to-customer, and leader-to-employee.

In order to build relationships with our customers and employees, we must eliminate this type of communicating, which is probably the product of the texting generation, and become better communicators.

The short list to better conversations:
1. Ask questions about a specific event
2. Probe further when given an answer
3. Develop your active listening skills
4. Become interested in your conversation
5. Look the person in the eyes
6. Give the person a compliment

This list is just the beginning. What can you add to this list to help become better communicators and have better conversations. I would love your feedback and thoughts. Post your comments here:


  1. Brock, excellent post and good practical suggestions.

    You've hit on one of the behaviors that screams at customers "I'm sleep walking through basic etiquette." I feel the same way when a phone rep calls me out of the blue and begins the call with "Hi, this is John from XYZ Corp, how are you today?" It rings so false to my ear. Being sincere and authentic is so important for building rapport.

  2. Monica-

    The very thought of these conversations makes me want to run, but I am learning to give a helping hand (when it is received). I think too many leaders make the mistake of not guiding communication, and so it is left up to people like you and I to fill in the gaps.


  3. #1 Find commonalities!!! We are all so similar in our own special ways.
    Smile and use the F.O.R.M. technique (from AMWAY!!) to help get people talking:
